A banana a day is often part of the doctor’s orders.
That potassium itself plays a role in controlling blood pressure.
Two small bananas provide about as much fiber as a slice of whole-wheat bread. It contains an amount of soluble fiber. It contains almost no sodium and a modest source of Vitamin C.
At the market: When choosing bananas, look for yellow, unblemished skin – with or without brown specks. Single bananas may be bargain-priced but will not last as long as those still in bunches.
Kitchen tips: Store bananas at room temperature until ripe. Once ready to eat, refrigerate them to prevent further ripening. The skin will turn black but the flesh will remain fresh.
Accent on enjoyment: Needless to say, a ripe banana is perfect to eat right after peeling. it can also be sliced and added to fruit and chicken salads. After putting bananas in a salad, we like to top it off with some peanuts.
Here are some of our other favorites:
- For a nutritious treat, peel ripe bananas, wrap them in plastic wrap, and freeze. Eat them like popsicles or puree them with a small amount of skim milk to make a low-fat frozen dessert.
- Slice bananas into spears or coin-shaped pieces and sauté in orange juice with a pinch of cinnamon or nutmeg.
- Bake banana pieces after tossing with lime juice and honey. Let them cook just until tender.
- Mash bananas and add to batters for muffins and quick bread.
When you want your banana-containing dishes to look as great as they taste, toss in a little lemon juice first to help prevent browning.* (NeningAN ByPH&J B H)