Some 120 reserve officers underwent a four-month Probationary Officers Training Course at the 3rd Infantry Division of the Philippine Army in Camp Gen. Macario Peralta in Jamindan, Capiz.
Col. Wilson Ma Reyes, assistant division commander for Reservist and Retiree Affairs, led the opening rites on December 7.
He said the course aims to train and prepare the graduates of the advance Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) to qualify them for a commission in the Reserve Force, as well as enhance professionalism, standardize the conduct of training, and to accelerate the production of quality reserve officers.
He also said the training is not all physical tasks, since they are expected to learn about the Armed Forces of the Philippines and realize the importance of leadership, teamwork, camaraderie, and competence.
“Take your oath sacredly and take the hard training positively. I will be happy to see the smiles of fulfillment in your faces on your graduation day,” Reyes told the reserve officers.*