MEMBERS of the Philippine Army’s 15th Infantry (Molave Warriors) Battalion has completed their two-month Battalion of Excellence Training Program at 3rd Infantry Division Headquarters, Camp Peralta,
Jamindan, Capiz as part of its capability development and improvement of organizational performance.
In a press release, Major General Benedict Arevalo, commander of the 3rd Infantry Division, served as keynote speaker during the graduation rites. He is optimistic that the Molave Warriors are now ready to face any challenges as they return to their area of deployment.
He said, “the Molave warriors are now ready to return to their area and perform their sworn duty better, after finishing the program.”
The BOE training program is the centerpiece of the Philippine Army’s capability development and improvement of organizational performance.
It was intended to develop the performance of the Infantry Battalions in a combat capacity to
perform the tasks and operations across the different mission areas where the battalions are
projected to operate.*