Notice is hereby given that MA. CECILIA BIDIONES FAELDONEA, of legal age, represented by DELIA J. ROMUALDO, Attorney-In- Fact, of legal age, being first duly sworn according to law, depose and say. That she is the lawful owner of the AGRARIAN REFORM/ LANDBANK Bond in the total amount of P33,279.03 and with Serial No. A-0061455 issued on 01/11/2000. That said bond was lost on November 15, 2013 due to Typhoon Yolanda that devastated Sigma, Capiz that completely destroyed their house, State fully the material facts and circumstances connected with the loss/theft/destruction/mutilation/ defacement of the bond/s; whether or not any particle thereof was recovered and if so, the disposition made of the particle recovered. That, at the time of loss, the said Bond was kept/place in their cabinet. That said Bond was
wholly owned by the undersigned on the date of loss and that the same had not by sale/hypothecation, pledge, loan or in any amount whatever, passed from the ownership or control of the undersigned to the date of loss. That no assignment, exchange or transfer of said Bond has been made or authorized by the undersigned or by her attorney, either in blank or specific assignment or in any manner. Entered under notarial registry of Atty. Marcelo Augusto A. Cosgayon, a notary public for and in the City of Roxas, Province of Capiz on May 24, 2023 as per Doc No.: 276; Page No.:57; Book No.: CXC and Series of 2023.

The Capiz Times Publishing,
August 7, 14 & 21, 2023