Notice is hereby given that NICK CALDEO was the owner of one (1) unit Mitsubishi motor vehicle with Plate No. TIY547;
Motor No. 4D56AAF4515; File No. 1340-478043, Chassis No. PAEVB5MMCBB00617 and CR No. 31341733. That the owner’s copy of Certificate of Registration and Official Receipt of the said vehicle was lost and despite of diligent efforts exerted by the owner to locate the said CR, it could no longer found and considered as loss, executed this AFFIDAVIT OF LOSS CR WITH UNDERTAKING on March 16, 2021 and entered as per Doc. 242, Page No. 52, Book No.
XXXV, Series of 2021 of notarial registry of Atty. Sheila Arenajo-Artillero, a notary public for and in the City of Roxas, Province Capiz.
The Capiz Times Publishing,
March 29, April 5 & 12, 2021