Notice is hereby given that CHRISTIAN A. ANDAYA, the registered owner of Mits. motor vehicle with Chassis No.: K14TJUNSL04439; Engine No.: 4D56AB0795; File No.: 0636-15828; Plate No.: FDC387 and Official Receipt No. 0650-38558, the said Certificate of Registration was lost and despite of diligent efforts exerted by the said owner to locate the said CR, it could no longer be found and considered as loss. Entered under the Notarial Registry of Atty. Jamaica F. Ariz, CPA., a Notary Public for Roxas City and Province of Capiz as per Doc. No. 127, Page No. 27, Book No. XVII, series of 2023.
The Capiz Times Publishing, November 13, 20 & 27, 2023