First priority of their training is to have a basic knowledge and understanding about scouting. People may say that scouting is just a basic outdoor activity, but scouting has a must essential and developed skills to undertake for life to become useful citizen. Yes, scouting is fun but how do we manage such a cluster or patrol with 8 to 40 girls who rely unto their adult leader, especially in elementary level who is mostly independent to their teachers relied.
Almost 3 years that we had a closed and isolated out of doors activities due to pandemic, and adult leaders come to aged and unable to do rustled-up activities which tackled more adrenaline and hurrying time. Younger version of adult leaders is needed in time like this. With the love of scouting for the love of girls and nature. With these qualities of leaders, scouting must have an enjoyable and exciting adventure was provided in the spirit of scouting. That lead our scouters to acquired and develop them to become leaders and useful citizens of our community and our county in general.
That’s why the Girl Scouts of the Philippines, Aklan Council, conduct basic training for the newly hired and regular teachers in elementary and secondary level. Girl Scouting provides adventures that prepare girl scouts for life in order to develop our girls’ positive values, leadership, friendliness and willingness to serve. To take actions that create meaningful, sustainable change in communities.
A diplomat Trainor from Iloilo Council our Chief Trainer Ms. Helen Deguma, trained the participants from different schools and districts. With the assistance of the training staff of Aklan Council Ms. Glenda Lyn G. Ignacio, as Commissioner on Training and Joy P. Repiedad, as council assistant secretary. This training was approved and disseminated on a Memorandum from the division office. Participants will be stayed in the venue for 3 days and 2 nights on the said training. Training kits materials and foods for 3 days included in their registration.
An Opening Ceremony with the grace of our Lord God, followed a warm welcome message from the host principal Ms. Hidelyn M. Regalado, also the council secretary and an inspirational message from the Council President Atty. Christine C. Dela Cruz, Kalibo municipal SB member. Followed by an orientation by the council executive Ms. Ferdielyn Abayon and acquaintance night on Day 1.
Training started on Day 2 in line to the national basic course matrix and campfire presentation as their evening activity. Day 3 started with scouts’ own followed by Holy Mass at nearby chapel. Continuation of the Sessions which made the participants enjoy the sessions on hand and whistle signal and Investiture ceremony. Color ceremony were demonstrated by the participants. A clearing house and summing up before the closing program with the friendship circle.
After the training they will received a national certificate of training from the GSP national headquarters. Like I said it’s the first training of scouting for adult leaders after the basic training, next level will be the age level course, out-of- doors course, campers permit course, until theyreach the training for Trainor course to become a certified trainer.
So,Congratulations and good job trainees.