A one-cup serving is:
. Extremely high in Vitamin C
. Richer in protein than most vegetables.
. Very low in sodium and fat
. Moderate in Vitamin A, riboflavin, and iron.
. Moderately high in potassium and fiber.
At the market: Look for Brussels sprouts that have firm, tight heads that are heavy for their weight. The core end should be clean and white. Sprouts that are small, green, and firm will have the best flavor. Avoid sprouts that are yellow or brown.
Kitchen tips: Store Brussels sprouts, unwashed, in perforated plastic bags in the refrigerator. They will last up to a week. At cooking time, remove any yellowed or withered leaves. If the cores are tough, draw an X in them with a sharp knife to allow for better results from cooking. Cook sprouts until tender by steaming, simmering, blanching, boiling, baking, braising, or microwaving.
The Cabbage Patch Diet Makes News
Green: 16 calories per cup (shredded, raw ); 32 calories per cup (shredded, cooked)
Red: 18 calories per cup ( shredded, raw); 32 calories per cup ( shredded, cooked)
Cabbage contains compounds that can help combat the ill effects of cancer, causing agents has attracted a lot of attention. Participants who never ate cabbage were three times as likely to develop colon cancer as those who ate it at least once a week.
It’s low in calories, has almost no sodium or fat and as you might expect, also has its share of fiber. (Red cabbage comes in slightly ahead of other types on this count). And a cup of red cabbage gives you two-thirds of the recommended allowance of Vitamin C.
At the market: The best cabbages are heavy for their size and have leaves that look crispy and colorful. Avoid cabbages that have wilted or blemished outer leaves. If, however, you find a head that has crinkled outer leaves- similar in texture to the normal appearance of inside leaves- take note. The cabbage may be old, with the wilted outer leaves removed to give a fresh appearance.
Wrap cabbage in plastic and refrigerate; the crisper drawer is a good place. Cabbage is one of our hardier fresh vegetables; properly stored, it will keep for two to three weeks. A medium head will yield about 2 pounds or 7 to 8 cups of shredded cabbage.
Kitchen tips: Cabbage should be washed and the outer leaves trimmed at preparation. Cut the stem even with the bottom of the head. If you see a yellow ring around the core, that part will be hot and bitter; eat only the outside of the head.
Grate or shred cabbage raw to use in salads or coleslaw – even the core can be used. If using a food processor, use the slicing blade to shred the cabbage. The shredding blade will chop it too finely.
We like cabbage steamed. It’s easy; just cut the head into wedges, then steam for 10 to 15 minutes. It can also be braised, sautéed, or cooked in the microwave.* (Nening A N. By PH. & JBH)