
Reducing cancer risk

  • Double fiber intake to a total of 25 to 35 grams daily.
  • Lower fat intake to 30 percent of daily calories.
  • Eat more “ cruciferous “vegetables – Brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and turnips.
  • Eat foods high in vitamins A and C
  • Reduce your exposure to aflatoxins, which are naturally occurring molds that can grow on improperly stored nuts, grains, and seeds and are potent carcinogens.
  • If you drink alcohol at all, drink only in moderation ( two or fewer drinks a day), especially if you smoke.
  • Whenever possible, bake, oven – broil or microwave meats instead of barbecuing or frying at high temperatures. This will reduce the formation of possibly harmful substances.

Taking supplements safely

Carotene. The plant form of Vitamin A is nontoxic. Large amounts may cause a yellowing of the skin that will subside with a reduced intake, but the condition is not harmful. Don’t confuse nontoxic carotene with synthetic vitamin A or vitamin A in fish-liver oils, however, which may cause headache, skin problems, fatigue, and other problems at daily doses above 25,000 international units. And during pregnancy, women should take vitamin A only as prescribed by a doctor.

Vitamin C. This is one of the safest vitamins. At doses in the four-figure range, some people experience diarrhea or a sour stomach. Daily doses greater than 1,500 milligrams may reduce the absorption of other nutrients, but at doses in the 250 to 1,000-milligram range, problems are extremely rare.

Vitamin E. Most of us also tolerate vitamin E very well, especially at doses up to 400 international units daily. Some people experience digestive upset at higher doses, but again, this occurs only rarely.

Selenium. This mineral can be toxic at high doses, but its danger has been exaggerated. Problems have not occurred with total intakes as high as 350 to 500 micrograms per day, and 100 to 200 micrograms seem like a sensible supplementary range. At 1,000 micrograms or more, signs of excess may occur: dry hair, streaked fingernails, and garlic odor on the breath are the most common. should these occur, by all means, stop supplementation until the symptoms disappear. If you want to start again, resume at a lower dose and be alert for symptoms.

Calcium. To overdose on calcium, it usually requires higher daily doses than the 1,000 to 1,500 milligrams recommended for maintaining bone health. We believe that staying within this safe range is also suitable for cancer prevention. Some of the calcium may cause digestive upset and constipation though. If so, take the supplement with meals or switch to another form of calcium. Don’t take supplemental calcium without your doctor’s approval if you have heart or kidney disease, cancer, high blood calcium from any cause, or the chronic organ condition known as sarcoidosis.

Vitamin D. Because its effect may occur at intakes only a few times the recommended allowance, vitamin D is often called the most toxic vitamin. No harm from supplementation with 400 international units per day- the amount found in a multivitamin pill- is known. Because vitamin D helps with calcium absorption, however, you should consult your doctor before taking it if you have any of the conditions mentioned above that call for careful use of calcium.* (Nening A N. |By PH. & JBH)