TO prepare the pre-service teachers with the necessary knowledge about cultural
diversity and practices, ethical values, and proper behavior, Capiz State University
(CAPSU), through its Office of the Vice President for External Affairs and Linkages
(OVP-EAL), conducted a predeparture orientation seminarb to the teacher candidates to be deployed at Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam at CAPSU Central
Admin-Boardroom, May 3.
Nineteen CAPSUnian 4th year Education students will go abroad for a student exchange program as part of the 9th Batch
of South East Asia (SEA)–Teacher Student Exchange Program of the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO), a regional intergovernmental
organization established in 1965 among governments of Southeast Asian countries to promote regional cooperation in education, science, and culture in the region.
During the orientation seminar, different essential topics and reminders were discussed, including the SEA Teacher
guidelines and guidelines for blog writing, COVID-19 protocol, health and safety protocols for travelers, and others.*