THE Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) in Capiz province has intensified its support to link the agricultural products of agrarian reform beneficiaries’ organizations’ (ARBOs) to various institutional markets through the Enhanced Partnership Against Hunger and Poverty Program (EPAHPP), in an effort to help ensure food security in the country.
The EPAHPP is a government initiative addressing food security, hunger, and poverty problems through the synergy and convergence of essential services of government agencies.
The DAR recently held its EPAHPP-ARBO and Institutional Buyers Orientation and Drafting of Contract
which was attended by various stakeholders such as the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology, Department of Social Welfare and Development, Filamer Christian University, St. Anthony College Hospital, Provincial Agriculture Office, Capiz National High School Multi-Purpose Cooperative and
Sorosoro Ibaba Development Cooperative (SIDC Coop).
The ARBOs with potential agricultural products for marketing include the Progressive Women Agrarian Reform Cooperative, Agcabugao Multi-Purpose Cooperative, CAMMMA Small Farmers Multi-Purpose Cooperative, Tumalalud Farmers Multi- Purpose Cooperative, Barangay Tapulang Multi-Purpose
Cooperative, Agsirab Multi- Purpose Cooperative, and Capiz Small Coconut Farmers Cooperative.
DAR Western Visayas Director Sheila Enciso urged the stakeholders to support the government and enter into an agreement to help ARBOs as they hold vital roles in achieving food security and mitigating hunger and poverty in the country.
“Let us support our farmers and ARBOs. This orientation strengthens our partnership to combat hunger and poverty and the sustainability of the country’s food supply and demand,” she said.
Enciso added that with the support of stakeholders and the signing of the agreed marketing contract, the farmers are assured of a brighter future as their agricultural products will have sure buyers and the assurance that there will be enough food for the said institutions.
During the orientation and drafting of the contract, SIDC Cooperative Manager Vivian Allanares declared their support by saying that their cooperative follows the “big brother and small brother concept” where
they help smaller cooperatives succeed.
“We used to be in their stature. Now that we achieved stability, we will support them boost and market their agricultural products,” she said. (PR)