Notice is hereby given that the intestate estate of the late JOENIL BICLAR, who died on March 4, 2022
at Ilawod, Pontevedra, Capiz, has left a certain share over the (two) 2 parcels of land known as Lot 210-B-
1, (LRA) Psd-410659, covered by TCT No. 089-2022001122, situated at Brgy. Tabuc, Pontevedra, Capiz,
containing an area of 40,709 sq.m., more or less and Lot 210-B-8, (LRA), Psd-410659, covered by TCT No.
089-2022001121, situated at Brgy. Tabuc, Pontevedra, Capiz, containing an area of 600 sq.m., more or less.
That pursuant to Rule 74, Sec. 1 of the Rules of Court, Mariejo Biclar hereby adjudicate unto herself the above-described real estate. Subject of Deed of Adjudication before Notarial Registry of Atty. Emilyn D. Arboleda- Depon, as per Doc No.: 270; Page No.:55; Book No.: XXX and Series of 2023.

The Capiz Times Publishing,
October 16, 23 & 30, 2023