Notice is hereby given that the intestate estate of the late PRISCILLA NAGAYO who died on May 24, 2018 at Kerny Town, New Jersey, U.S.A and Carlos Zarco who died October 30, 2016 at Jersey City, New Jersey and left a parcel of land known as Lot No. 351-B situated at Brgy. Agmalobo Ivisan, Capiz with an area of 4,677 sq.m., more or less. That the Heirs/Vendors off ered to sell, transfer and convey by way of absolute sale a portion only of the said described property equivalent to an area of 1,169 sq.m., more or less unto Ely F. Azarraga, Jr., married to Psykhe F. Azrraga in the amount of One Hundred Thousand Pesos (Php
100,00.00) Philippine currency. The Deed of Adjudication with Absolute Sale executed by the parties was
entered under notarial registry of Atty. Judgee Earl D. Del Castillo on June 11, 2021, a notary public for the City of Roxas and Province of Capiz as per Doc. No. 466; Page No. 95; Book No. CXV; Series of 2021.
The Capiz Times Publishing, December 18, 25, 2023 and January 1, 2024