Notice is hereby given that the intestate estate of the late ISHMAEL BELO ORILLOS, who died on July 21, 2002 at Roxas City, Capiz, Philippines, has left the following unclaimed/unpaid proceeds covered by the Department of Agrarian Reform through Operation Land Transfer or Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program of the government from Land Bank of the Philippines, Agrarian Operations Center VI, Iznart-Solis Sts., Iloilo City, to wit:

  1. T-27501/T-27504/T-27499, Claim No/s, 06-CA-96-077/078/079

Area Acquired                :               10.6139 has.

Value                              :               P134,353.42 (P47,023.70-cash/P87,329.72-bond)

  •  T-27508, Claim No/s. 06-CA-96-080

Area Acquired                         :               4.4018 has.

Original Value                        :               P91,975.71 (P32,191.50-cash/P59,784.21-bond)

  •  T-27509, Claim No/s. 06-EO-98-0026

Area Acquired        :               1.1709 has.

Original Value        :               P3,690.16 (P369.01-cash/P3,321.15-bond)

Revaluation                             :               P38,483.30 (P3,848.33-cash/P34,634.97-bond)

Total                                        :               P42,173.46

  • T-27508, Claim No/s. 06-EO-98-0024

Area Acquired        :               8.0101 has.

Revaluation                             :               P486,856.88 (P48,685.69-cash/P438,171.19-bond)

  • T-27501/T-27507, Claim No/s. 06-EO-98-0025/EO-97-0182

Revaluation                             :              

EO-98-0025            :               P935,258.74 (P85,877.44-cash/P849,381.30-bond)

EO-97-0182            :               P320,439.34 (P26,000.67-cash/P294,438.67-bond)

                Total                        :               P1,255,698.08

  • T-8038, Claim No/s. 06-CA-14-0031 (9700)

Value                       :               P325,513.92 (P138,977.54-cash/P186,536.38-bond)

  • T-27509, Claim No/s. 06-CA-11-0006 (9700)

Area Acquired         :               0.8235 has.

  • T-27501, Claim No/s. 06-CA-01-0006

Area Acquired:        12.6526 has.

  1. T-27501, Claim No/s. 06-CA-01-0028

Area Acquired:        3.2647 has.

  • T-27501, Claim No/s. 06-CA-02-0024

Area Acquired:                       12.8608 has.

  • T-27501, Claim No/s. 06-CA-01-0023

Area Acquired: 12.8608 has.

That pursuant to Section 1, Rule 74 of the Revised Rules of Court of the Philippines, Maria Theresa B. Orillos-Portillo and Gerardo B. Orillos has agreed to divide and partition among themselves the above-described unclaimed/unpaid proceeds in pro indiviso equal shares, under Deed of Extra-judicial Settlement Estate executed by the Heirs on February 10, 2024. Entered under notarial registry of Atty. Christine Joy Baticados Banday a notary public in the City of Roxas and Province of Capiz as per Doc. No.: 235; Page No.: 48; Book No.: XXXVIII; Series of 2024.

The Capiz times Publishing, May 20, 27 & June 3, 2024