Notice is hereby given that the intestate estate of the late AUREO B. DENOSTA who died on July 07, 2022 was left a (1/2) share parcel of land known as Lot No. 203-D covered by TCT No. T-30747, situated in Brgy. Natividad, Pilar, Capiz with an area of 533 sq.m. more or less., That the parties hereto have agreed to partition and adjudicate among themselves in pro indiviso equal shares pursuant to the provision of Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court. That Florita B. Denosta, Rolly B. Denosta, Lea B. Denosta, Zenaida B. Denosta, Alex B. Denosta, Arwin B. Denosta and Lani B. Denosta by virtue of these presents hereby Waive and Renounce all their respective shares over the above described parcel of land including the house erected thereon in favor of their co-heirs, Lea B. Denosta, under Deed of Extra Judicial Settlement of Estate With Waiver on April 15, 2024 and Entered under notarial registry of Atty. Irene Bianca B. Distura a notary public for and in the City of Roxas, Province of Capiz, as per Doc. No. 430; Page No. 87; Book No. XI; Series of 2024.
The Capiz Times Publishing,
April 15, 22 & 29, 2024