Notice is hereby given that the intestate estate of the late ALBERTO ALBALADEJO VILLARRUZ, SR., who died on February 15, 2000 at Makati City and ROSA ANGELES VILLARRUZ who died on July 26, 2023 at Muntinlupa City. Respectively, the said deceased has left One-half (1/2) pro-indiviso of the following real properties:

1.      Lot 5, Block 2 with TCT No. T-25174, containing an area of Eight Hundred Forty (840) SQ.M. more or less, situated in the District of Cadimajan, City of Roxas;

2.      Lot No. 3433 with TCT No. T-4082, containing an area of Twelve Thousand Six Hundred Fifty Eight (12,658) SQ.M. more or less, situated at the Municipality of Capiz;

3.      Lot No. 3432 with TCT No. T-4081 containing an area of Two Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety Four (2,894) SQ.M. more or less, situated at the Municipality of Capiz;

4.      Lot 32 covered by TCT No. T-33763, with an area of Four Hundred (400) SQ.M., more or less situated in the District of Baybay, Roxas City;

5.      Lot 33 with TCT No. T-16602 with an area of Four Hundred Thirty Two (432) SQ.M., more or less, situated in the District of Baybay, Roxas City;

6.      Lot No. 4009 with TCT No. T-2874, containing an area of Fifty One Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty Two (51,952) S.Q.M. more or less, situated in the Municipality of Capiz.

That the parties are hereby agree to divide and adjudicate, among themselves, each over the above-described properties in equal portions, under Deed of Extrajudicial Settlement Among Heirs executed by the Parties on May 21, 2024. Entered under notarial registry of Atty. Jason Anthony V. Bisnar a notary public in the City of Roxas and Province of Capiz as per Doc. No.: 285; Page No.: 58; Book No.: XVI; Series of 2024.

The Capiz Times Publishing,

May 20, 27 & June 3, 2024