Notice is hereby given that the
intestate estate of the late ERMA
OROLA CRUZ, who died intestate
on November 23, 2023 at National
Kidney and Transplant Institute, East
Avenue, Quezon City, Metro Manila,
was left a debt/obligation consisting
of a real estate mortgage involving
as a collateral a real property with
the Philippine savings bank (PSBank)
at Roxas Branch, Lot No. 609-A-1,
Psd-06-050583 being a portion of Lot
609-A, Psd-06-049960, covered by
TCT No. 089-2016000932 with an
area of 1,000 sq.m., situated at Brgy.
Malag-it, Pontevedra, Capiz. That the
said party do hereby fully adjudicates
unto himself, extrajudicially, the debt/
obligation and the parcel of land
under Deed of Self Adjudication with
Release and Quitclaim, executed
by the party on Dec. 20, 2023 under
notarial registry of Atty. Edreilyn G.
Dinero a notary public for the City
of Roxas and Province of Capiz as per
Doc. No. 229; Page No. 47; Book No.
V; Series of 2023.
The Capiz Times Publishing,
January 8, 15 & 22, 2024