DepEd-Roxas Grand Slam in CIRCLE awards

By Edalyn B. Acta and Edith B. Colmo

OUT of the 23 categories, the
Roxas City Schools Division
has bagged 16 fi rst places, fi ve
second places, and two third
places in the Curriculum and
Instruction Regional Champions
for Learning Excellence
(CIRCLE) Awards for Region 6.
The awarding ceremony
was held on December 16,
2022, at Punta Villa, Iloilo City.
According to Dr. Roel
Bermejo, Roxas City Schools
Division Superintendent,
CIRCLE Awards were based
on diff erent categories: Kinder
to Grade 3; Grade 4 to Grade 6;
Grade 7 to Grade 10, and Grade
11 – Grade 12.
The fi rst place awards
of Roxas City Division are:
Most Learning-focused
Schools Division Offi ce, Most
Outstanding Division Learning
Innovation, Most Outstanding
Numeracy Program, Curriculum
and Instruction Prime Mover,
Innovative Leader Award, Top
Performing SDO in Story Book
Writing Competition;
Most Learning-Focused
Elementary K to G3 Small that
was awarded to Tanza
Elementary School; Most
Learning-Focused Elementary
K to G3 Medium, laridel
East Elem. School; Most
Learning-Focused Elem K to
G3 Large awarded to Pres.
Manuel Roxas Memorial
School North; Most Learning-
Focused Elementary K-G3
Very Large, Pres. Manuel
Roxas Integrated School
South; Most Learning-
Focused Elementary
G4 – G6 Small, Antonio
Villasis Memorial School;
Most Learning-Focused
Elementary Very Large, Manuel
Roxas Memorial Integrated
School; Most Learning
Focused Secondary G11- G12 Small, Bago National High
School; Most Learning Focused
Secondary G11-12 Medium,
Dumolog National High
School; Most Learning-Focused
Secondary G11-G12 Very
Large, Inzo Arnaldo Village
Integrated School; and Most
Learning Focused Interest
Program – Special Program
in Journalism, Mongpong
Elementary School.
The fi ve second place
awards: Outstanding Reading
Program Elementary was
awarded to Pres. Manuel
Roxas Memorial Integrated
School South; Most Learning
Focused Elementary G4 to
G6 Medium was awarded
to Plaridel East Elementary
School; Most Learning-
Focused Elementary G4 to
G6 Large, Lawaan Integrated
School; Most Learning-Focused
Secondary G7 to G10 Medium,
Dumolog National High School;
and Most Learning-Focused
Interest program – Strengthened
Technical Vocational Education
Program was awarded to Cong.
Ramon A. Arnaldo High School.
The third place awards
DEPED /1 were: Most Learning-Focused
Inclusive Program – the
Madrasah Education Program
was awarded to Plaridel East
Elementary School; and Most
Learning Focused Interest
Program Special Program in
the Arts was awarded to Inzo
Arnaldo Village Integrated
Bermejo expresses
gratitude and extends
congratulations to the front
liners, teachers, partners, and
stakeholders who are important
players that enabled Roxas
City Division to receive such
prestigious awards.
He also said that the true
heroes in this recognition are the
teachers, so he is encouraging
them to continue their strength
and work together because we
need to sustain these awards.
“We are expecting that there
will be no more non-readers
at the end of the school year,
so they are ready for the next
Bermejo also said, there
are 35,000 learners in the public
schools from the 50 elementary
and secondary schools in Roxas