Escolin claims failed assassination attempt

MAYOR Receliste “Tanoy”
Escolin claimed there was a
failed assassination attempt
following his decision to seek
reelection as mayor of the
Municipality of President Roxas
despite a nine-year term limit.
“It’s not just one group,
but two groups planning to kill
me,” Escolin said during a live
Facebook address.
Escolin claimed that two
former offi cials of President
Roxas were involved in
fi nancing the plot, which he said
was lowered from P2 million to
only P1.6 million.
Escolin further alleged assassination attempt that one of Region 6’s most
wanted criminals was hired
to assassinate him. The hired
assassin is allegedly disguised
as a member of the LGBTQ
Despite the death threats,
the mayor assured he is ready
to face danger at anytime and
“You won’t get me easily.
Remember that. Whatever plans
you have to kill me, make sure
you succeed. Because if you
don’t, I’ll go after your entire
family,” Escolin warned.
Escolin also reiterated
his reason why he fi led his
Capiz Times The

certifi cate of candidacy (COC)
for mayor.
Escolin claimed he wants to
complete his unfi nished public
service as he will be unable to
complete his current term when it ends on June 2025.

To recall, Escolin had a 90-
day suspension imposed by the
Offi ce of the Ombudsman for
simple misconduct earlier this
Escolin cited an opinion
from the Department of the
Interior and Local Government
(DILG) and a prior Supreme
Court decision. He claimed his
public service was “interrupted”
due to the Ombudsman’s
On the other hand, Escolin
said he is prepared to respond

if anyone challenges his
But veteran lawyer James
Bereber argued that Escolin’s
suspension does not qualify as
an interruption of public service
or a “discontinuity of term”.
Citing a Supreme Court
ruling, Bereber stated that
temporary incapacity or
disqualifi cation—even if
involuntary, such as extended
illness, force majeure or
suspension—does not interrupt
an elected offi cial’s term of
offi ce.