Notice is hereby given that the intestate estate of the late SPS. RAMON DEGALA and FLORENTINA BATUAMPO DEGALA who died on March 25, 1991 at St. Anthony College Hospital, Roxas City and May 9, 1978 at Maayon, Capiz, respectively, was left the following properties: Lot No. 1893 covered by TCT No. T-6381 with an area of 122, 640 sq.m, Lot No. 1863 covered by TCT No. T-7038 with an area of 210, 533 sq.m., Lot No. 2133 covered by TCT No. T-8887 with an area of 176, 966 sq.m., Lot No. 1931 covered by TCT No. T-5646 with an area of 31, 401 sq.m., Lot No. 2683- B covered by TCT No. T-12928 with an area of 1, 117, 432 sq.m. and Lot No. 1861 covered by TCT No. T-6140 with an area of 158,215 sq.m. all described properties are situated at the Municipality of Pontevedra, Capiz. That the parties adjudicate unto themselves the above-mentioned parcels of land under Extra –judicial Settlement of Estate on January 17, 2024 and entered under notarial registry of Atty. Ely F. Azarraga, Jr., a notary public for and in the City of Roxas, Province of Capiz, as per Doc. No. 190; Page No. 39; Book No. 111; Series of 2024.

The Capiz Times Publishing, January 22, 29 & February 5, 2024