Notice is hereby given that the intestate estate of the late GUIA ARNALDO-ANISCO, who died on
April 20, 2020 at the Health Centrum Hospital, Roxas City, Capiz, has left a 1⁄2 share each over three (3) parcels of land known as Lot No. 2-C-1 covered by TCT No. T-59171, containing an area of 73, 289 Sqm., more or less; Lot No. 2-C-2 covered by TCT No. T-59172, containing an area of 22, 045 Sqm., more or less and Lot No. 2-C-3 covered by TCT No. 59173, containing an area of 989 Sqm., more or less. That for and in consideration of the sum of Seven Million Pesos (P7,000,000.00), the legitimate heirs, including William A. Anisco, hereby agree to sell,as they hereby absolutely SELL, TRANSFER, and CONVEY the whole of said
lots of J.P. ORLEANS REALTY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, duly represented by its President, HANNAH ROSARIO O. ARCENAS. Subject of Extra-Judicial Settlement with Deed of Absolute Sale before Atty. Nichelle Hope A. Fara-on, a notary public for and in the City of Roxas, Province of Capiz on September 15, 2023as per Doc. No. 178; Page No. 37; Book No. 1, Series of 2023.
The Capiz Times Publishing,
September 18, 25 & October 2, 2023