Notice is hereby given that the intestate estate of the late ANACLETO UBALDO BIDIONES, who died on February 8, 2022 at Homesite, Brgy. Lawa-an, Roxas City, was left a one-half (1/2) conjugal share in the parcel of land known as Lot 2314-H-5, (LRA) Psd-E2018001380 covered by TCT No. 089-2018000664, containing an area of 150 sq. m., more or less. That invoking Sec. 1, Rule 74 of the Revised Rules of Court, Thelma A. Bidiones, Jennifer A. Bidiones, Ma. Theresa A. Bidiones and Dave Anthony A. Bidiones have agreed to settle and they hereby adjudicate unto themselves the one-half (1/2) conjugal share of the late. Likewise, the Heirs/Vendors hereby sell, transfer and convey all their shares and interest in the above-described parcel of land with the sum of Two Hundred Thousand Pesos (200,000.00), Philippine currency, in hand paid by Spouses Leonard Jun D. Bautista and Zairose Lago, under Extrajudicial Settlement with Sale executed by and between the Parties on January 23, 2024. Entered under notarial registry of Atty. Jose Alexis Emmanuel A. Escutin a notary public in the City of Roxas and Province of Capiz as per Doc. No.: 8; Page No.: 3; Book No.: I; Series of 2024.
The Capiz times Publishing, May 20, 27 & June 3, 2024