Notice is hereby given that the intestate estate of the late GINA A. BLANCO, who died on August
6, 2023, has left a Bank Deposit Account with the Landbank Roxas City Branch, Roxas City, Capiz with Account Type of SA (PHP) under Account No. 0471-2701-72 with a withdrawable balance of P201,744.58. That it is to the best interest of the parties hereto to divide, partition and adjudicate among themselves the above described bank account in the form and manner hereinafter set forth. That JONAR A. BLANCO, do hereby WAIVE, QUITCLAIM and RENOUNCE all his share, claim, interest and participation in the above described bank account in favor of his father, JOSE B. BLANCO. Subject of Extrajudicial Settlement with Waiver of Rights before Atty. Nichelle Hope A. Fara-on, a notary public for and in the City of Roxas, Province of Capiz on August 29, 2023 as per Doc. No. 51; Page No. 12; Book No. I; Series of 2023.
The Capiz Times Publishing,
September 18, 25 & October 2, 2023