Maybe I am crazy or too dehydrated when I did my fieldwork that I started to hallucinate.
I see a lot of Capiznons in Roxas City, Ivisan, and Sigma not wearing face shields.
The use of face shields has been advised in closed facilities and crowded areas by President Rodrigo Duterte before.
But before the president’s latest pronouncement, I have seen a lot of people not wearing their face shields.
I can’t blame them. Wearing face shields outdoors during daytime adds to the feeling of humidity and it makes your view foggy if you are wearing eyeglasses.
And don’t get me started with wearing of face mask. I feel uncomfortable with the sweat being all over my mouth. Sheesh!
I really cannot wait for things to go back to normal as I am only wearing face shields and face masks for compliance and survival.
Speaking of fieldwork, other people seem to have given up on the concept of hard-earned money. It can all be attributed to the investment boom in Capiz last year.
There were investment firms (if I can call it that) which promised to double or triple one’s money and now we have not heard from them about their next payout.
When I do my sales pitch for the business I am involved with, I encountered people who had invested in at least one of these investment firms but are hesitant to join despite working on our pitches well.
It is one of two things: they are either fearful of losing money again (I can’t blame them for that) or they have become addicted to easy money in terms of not having a product or service to offer to get easy money, a concept which is too good to be true.*