Mothers: The everyday superheroes

In a world full of titles and roles, “mother” stands out as the most impactful of them all. This
Mother’s Day, as we celebrate the incredible women who play this role in its myriad
forms—from moms to grandmoms and from sister-moms to mom-teachers—it’s important to
remember the unique strength each brings to the table.
When mothers unconditionally love and support their children, it changes our identities and
society. Mother’s Day has a moving past, beginning in 1908 with a memorial service for Anna
Jarvis’s mother in Grafton, West Virginia. Acknowledging moms’ efforts for their children was a
significant first step in her campaign. This was the first important step in her campaign to
recognize mothers’ sacrifices for their children. By 1914, this day, May 12, was officially
marked for national observance by President Woodrow Wilson, emphasizing the importance of
mothers in society—a value that has only grown deeper with time.
Today, Mother’s Day is not just an occasion but a necessary pause in our busy lives, reminding
us to appreciate the women who raised us. It’s also a day to acknowledge those who’ve acted as
the maternal glue in our communities, supporting and nurturing those around them, whether or
not they have children of their own.
Several women in my life embody the spirit of motherhood: my own mother, Mama Diana, who
taught me the value of integrity, hard work, and a safe space to grow and make mistakes; my
mother-in-law, Lola Violeta, whose kindness and smile have never wavered; my tough-loving
algebra teacher Ma’am Milagros Sirilan, who nurtured my intellectual curiosity during my
teenage days; and Ma’am Au de la Cruz, a beacon of guidance during my colorful years as a
school formator and administrator.
Motherhood is indeed supermomhood. It is a role characterized not just by big acts of sacrifice
but also by small, everyday deeds of love—from packed lunches to late-night reassurances and
life lessons delivered softly at the end of a long day. These activities comprise the foundation of
our character and the foundation of society as a whole.
Not only are mothers responsible for making us master the fundamentals of life, but they are also
responsible for establishing a way of thinking and behaving that serves as the basis for our
individualized personalities. This is not because they are required to do so; they do it because
they love us unconditionally and want us to grow into the best possible versions of ourselves.
One cannot overestimate the magnitude of their influence, not only on the children they raise but
also on the communities they better. It is impossible to overstate the magnitude of their