THE Metro Roxas Water District (MRWD) assured that the heat wave—with heat index reaching 44 degrees Celsius—does not aff ect the water supply.
“There is enough water,” said Mark Vincent Bernas, MRWD public information officer.
Even with the dry spell, the MRWD is still capable of producing 37 million liter-perday (37 MLD). Bernas claimed that the 37 MLD is enough for the water requirements of more than 42,000 households and commercial establishments in Roxas City as well as the municipalities of Panay, Panitan, Ivisan, and Sigma.
Bernas added that Sigma. is supplied by MRWD’s bulk water and that the local government unit (LGU)
manages the distribution to its consumers.
MRWD is monitoring around the clock the water level of Panay River, which is the main source for its raw water.
But the rigid monitoring is done for MRWD’s five water treatment plants in Tico, Agbalo, Linao, Los-onan, and Salocon to avoid intrusion of salt water.
Bernas explained that salt water intrusion happens during long dry spells, which causes the presence of algae in water pipes and decreases the water supply because there is tendency the pipes are blocked.
To avoid the algae build-up in water pipes, MRWD has to treat it with powder chloride.
According to Bernas, MRWD is avoiding a major problem as what happened in 1997 during the 10-month
dry spell. At that time, water supply in Metro Roxas became intermittent due to salt water intrusion.
Meanwhile, MRWD is continuously upgrading and expanding its water lines along residential areas.
Another mitigating measure in place is that MRWD continuously plant trees in its water treatment plants.