There was a 47.36 percent increase in firecracker-related injuries when Capiz province
welcomed the New Year.
As of January 3, the Capiz Provincial Health Office (PHO) recorded 28 firecracker-related
injuries for the New Year revelries. In comparison, there were only 19 injuries recorded during
last year’s revelries.
Majority of the injuries were caused by firecracker locally known as kwitis with six cases while
labintador caused five injuries.
Four injuries were caused by boga while three injuries were caused by kamara.
There were also injuries caused by granada, triangle, whistle bomb, and 5 star.
The PHO noted that 24 out of the 28 injuries were blast and burn while the remaining four were
eye injuries.
Most of those injured by firecrackers were within the age range of 30 to 39 years old, which
comprised of 28.57 percent.
The PHO also noted that the youngest victim was only eight months old while the oldest was 78.
The PHO also found that 10 of the 28 cases involved people who were intoxicated with alcoholic
In terms of area, Roxas City recorded the highest number of injuries with 11. In comparison,
there were only five injuries during the previous year.
The towns of Cuartero, Mambusao and Sigma recorded three injuries each.
The towns of Dao, Dumalag, Ivisan, Jamindan, Pilar, Pontevedra, and Tapaz recorded one injury
Meanwhile, no one was injured in Maayon, Panay, Panitan, President Roxas, and Sapian towns.