The five-day seminar on disaster preparedness, search, rescue and retrieval operations hosted by Police Regional Office-6 (PRO-6) concluded on November 18 at Pa-on Beach resort, Barangay Pa-on, Estancia, Iloilo.
Brigadier General Flynn Dongbo, PRO-6 director, graced the ceremony.
The seminar is vital due to frequent typhoons and other disasters.
The training adopted both online and face-to-face classes. The theoritical lectures started on the first week of November and the last two days of the seminar were used to conduct practical simulation exercises.
One of the highlights of the training is the actual handling of rubber boats and performance of water safety drills.
The training, attended by 32 participants, aims to enhance the skills of participants in terms of disaster preparedness, search, rescue and retrieval operations.
Dongbo commended the participants for completing the seminar.
“We now have additional personnel ready to respond in case the situation dictates. May your acquired skills be applied in your respective assignments when needed by the circumstances,” he said.*