By Edith Colmo and Ralph John Mijares
Brig. Gen. Rolando Miranda, director of Police Regional Office-6, has submitted himself for drug testing recently.
This is to show that nobody is exempted, he said.
Lt. Col Joem Malong, PRO-6 information officer, said PRO-6 is continuously conducting random and targeted drug testing to its personnel as part of the Philippine National Police’s internal cleansing program to wipe out drug-using police officers.
Aside from the personnel in the regional headquarters, other units that also conducted random drug testing were the mobile force companies, provincial and city police officers.
As of January 13, 6,051 of the 13,849 PRO-6 personnel underwent random drug testing since November last year, Malong said.
In the series of drug tests conducted in the period, one policeman was tested positive for the illegal substance.
The said personnel was from Negros Occidental Police Provincial Office and is now being investigated.
The Regional Crime Laboratory Office-6 will continue with the surprise and targeted drug testing to the remaining police personnel in the region.
Personnel of the Capiz Police Provincial Office (CPPO) were tested negative for drugs, Col. Julio Gustilo Jr., provincial police director, said, although there are still 164 police personnel who have yet to take the test, he added.
Those who have not taken the tests are either on sick leave or pursuing work-related education, Gustilo said.*