In a spirit of benevolence, the Rotary Club of Roxas embarked on a mission titled “Share Love sa
Barangay,” generously sponsored by the Stephen and Lyda Beluso Foundation (SLB). This heartwarming
endeavor began on November 4, 2023, with a kick-off event on Olotayan Island, marking the
commencement of a series of impactful contributions to all 47 barangays within our community.
The SLB Foundation, through their support, has enabled us to extend our reach and share love with
those in need. We express our deepest gratitude to Stephen and Lyda Beluso for their commitment to
making a positive impact in our local communities.
Throughout this meaningful journey, the Rotary Club of Roxas, in collaboration with the Stephen and
Lyda Beluso Foundation, took the initiative to distribute essential medical equipment to enhance the
well-being of our fellow community members. Nebulizers and weighing scales were provided to each
barangay, ensuring that crucial health needs were addressed.
On December 3, our dedicated team visited the barangays of Liong, Jumaguicjic, San Jose, and Cabugao,
spreading hope and care. Continuing our mission, on December 17, we reached out to Bolo, Milibili,
Loctugan, Lonoy, Lanot, Bago, and Adlawan. The new year brought more opportunities to make a
difference, with visits to Punta Tabok, Dayao, Barra, Libas, Tanque, Inzo, and City Health on January 4.
The collaborative efforts extended beyond the Rotary Club of Roxas. Alongside the Stephen and Lyda
Beluso Foundation, our dedicated partners included the Philippine Dental Association and the Rotaract
Club of Roxas. This synergy of like-minded organizations amplified the impact of “Share Love sa
Barangay,” creating a more significant footprint in our mission to uplift the lives of our fellow citizens.
As the journey unfolded, our team, together with the community and partner organizations, visited
Barangay Bato, Banica, Barangays 1, 2, and 3 on January 20, reinforcing the message of compassion and
community support.
“Share Love sa Barangay” has been more than a series of charitable events; it has been a testament to
the power of unity and kindness. The Rotary Club of Roxas remains committed to fostering positive
change in our community, and with the support of generous sponsors like the Stephen and Lyda Beluso
Foundation, we look forward to continuing these meaningful endeavors, enriching the lives of those we
serve. Together, we share love and create a brighter, healthier future for all.