The Roxas City government has bagged five awards during the 7th Regional Cities and Municipalities
Competitiveness Index (CMCI) of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) for competitive local
government units in the region held in Iloilo City.
The Roxas City government was recognized as the Most Competitive City for the Component City
Category in the region.
The component city was also cited as the Most Competitive Component City for the Infrastructure
Pillar, the Most Competitive Component City for the Innovation Pillar, the third Most Improved LGU,
as well as third place for Economic Dynamism Pillar.
CMCI is an annual ranking of Philippine cities and municipalities created by the National
Competitiveness Council through the Regional Competitive Committees (RCCs), with aid from the
United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
According to DTI Region 6, the CMCI has ranked Philippine cities and municipalities to strengthen,
strategically outline, and track local competitiveness since 2012.
The region has 100 percent participation in the survey, with 133 participating LGUs.
For his part, Roxas City mayor Ronnie Dadivas thanked the DTI for recognizing the city’s improvement,
especially in the innovation pillar, where his administration focused on improving the city’s business
and the residents’ livelihood.
“Salamat gid sa tanan nga opisyales sang aton syudad, sa aton Roxas City Government Family kag sa
bilog nga pumuluyo. Ini nga kadalag-an ginahalad naton sa tanan nga kaupod ta sa paghatag
katumanan sa handum nga Bigger, Better, and Brighter Roxas City (Thank you to all the city officials
and to the people because this award is dedicated to everyone who has been with us in achieving our
goal for a Bigger, Better, and Brighter Roxas City),” Dadivas added.
Moreover, aside from Roxas City, Cuartero town also won as the Most Competitive 3rd-4th Class
Municipality in terms of the Infrastructure Pillar, and Ivisan town was recognized as the Most
Competitive 3rd-4th Class Municipality in the category of Resiliency Pillar.