ROXAS CITY — With the rising number of coronavirus cases in the country, the city government of Roxas has imposed stricter health protocols to curb the spread of the virus.
Roxas City Mayor Ronnie Dadivas signed Executive Order No. 10 on April 5 that requires inbound travelers from Romblon, Masbate, and other provinces to present their RT-PCR test results upon arrival to the city.
Inbound visitors should also undergo medical screening for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 by the City Health Office (CHO) upon their arrival. They are also required to go under quarantine pending their swab test results.
Should they refuse to do the RT-PCR swab test, they would be asked to go back to where they came from.
Residents who work or frequently travel to other provinces are urged to register in their respective barangays for monitoring.
Establishments that have employees who commute from their residence outside of Capiz must be registered with the CHO, which will regularly monitor their health condition.
The City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (CDRRMO) shall also monitor the compliance of the private and government establishments in terms of disinfecting their offices every week.
Roxas City COVID-19 Enforcers shall coordinate with the barangays on the enforcement of the health protocols against COVID-19.
Meanwhile, the Provincial Health Office also advised the public to always wear face masks and shields when outside of their homes and talking to others, observe social distancing, wash hands, and avoid holding occasions with large gatherings, and unnecessary travel.
“Sa ulihi ang paghinulsol. Kon isa sa imo pamilya ang matapnan sang COVID-19, may posibilidad nga matapnan kamo tanan sa inyo panimalay. Indi pag ibutang sa peligro ang kabuhi sang imo pamilya,” the PHO said.
It added, “kon magbalatian ka sang COVID-19, ang health worker gid lamang ang magatatap sa imo sa ospital bangod naka isolate ka. Bisan sid-ing indi mo makita ang imo pamilya bangod ginalikawan nga matapnan sila.”*