Lowering diets because it contains so little saturated fat and has some of the polyunsaturated fat that helps lower blood cholesterol.
Eskimos rarely suffered heart attacks found that the omega-3 fats in their fish-rich diet make their blood less prone to clotting.
You have an alternative: fish-oil capsules.
However, a single capsule does not provide as much omega-3 oil as a serving of fatty fish.
Roll with the oats
Another dietary choice: oat bran and beans – reduced cholesterol 20 percent.
Oat bran muffins (about two large ones per day) lower blood cholesterol, 1/2 cup of dry beans, cooked and incorporated into a soup or side dish.
It’s their soluble fiber and cholesterol bind together and is eliminated from the body.
Fairly large amount-more than a single serving a day- to reap the benefits you’re looking for. If your cholesterol remains too high after a trial of oat bran or beans, you’ll have to cut down on saturated fat and cholesterol, too.
The soluble fiber Solution
Apples (2 medium)
Bananas (1 1/2 medium)
Beans, kidney (1/3 cup cooked)
Broccoli (3/4 cup cooked)
Cauliflower (3/4 cup raw)
Crunchy Bran cereal (3/4 cup)
Corn (1/2 cup)
Eggplant(1 cup cooked)
Lettuce, dark green or loose-leaf (1 cup)
Oat bran(1/3 cup dry)
Oatmeal (3/4 cup cooked)
Okra(3/4 cup)
Peas, green(1/2 cup)
Potato(3/4 medium baked)
Prunes (5)
Zucchini(3/4 cup)