Notice is hereby given that the parties are co-owners of Lot No. 17, located at Barangay VIII (formerly
Barrio Baquerohan), Roxas City containing an area of Three Hundred Fifteen (315) Sq.m. More or less covered by TCT No. T-43053 and Lot No. 18, located at Brgy. VIII (formerly Barrio Baquerohan), Roxas
City containing an area of Three Hundred Seven (307) Sq.m. more or less covered under TCT No. T-43052.
As Parties and siblings and the areas of each lot is just small and could no longer be useful if it will subdivide into six sub-lots. Therefore parties decided to gratuitously waive and quitclaim their respective rights, shares and interest over the said Lots subject to Waiver and Quitclaim with Subdivision Agreement executed by the parties. Entered under the Notary Public of Atty. John Mar Bornales Pungot for City of Roxas and Province of Capiz as per Doc. No. 279, Page No. 57, Book No. 2, Series of 2023.
The Capiz Times Publishing,
October 23, 30 & November 6, 2023