Ms. Fe Gomez-Villarruz has been a veteran English teacher and edited The Capiz Times for fifteen years.

Ms. Fe Gomez-Villarruz has been a veteran English teacher and edited The Capiz Times for fifteen years.
Idioms for the week: let sleeping dogs lie – a warning to ignore/disregard a problem to avoid trouble or unfavorable happenings neck of the woods – refers to the area where one lives; one’s neighborhood hit the nail on the head – to be exactly right about something said or done save for a rainy […]
Idioms for the week: pour out one’s heart – to express freely one’s thoughts or innermost feelings to someone hold your horses – to be patient ; to wait for a while ; to stop for a while to consider a decision or opinion hit the jackpot achieve something big especially through luck; win the […]
Idioms for the week: test the waters – to try something to have a feel of its effects before deciding to go for it run its course – to start, proceed, and then end naturally move heaven and earth – to do everything one can possibly muster to achieve a goal call the shots – […]
Choose the appropriate word to complete each sentence. Many claim that chocolate cake is a perfect (complement, compliment) to brewed coffee. My friend loves to wear her jade bracelet because of the (complements, compliments) she receives every time she wears it. Parents should not be stingy with their (complements, compliments) on their children’s achievements. The […]
Idioms for the week: reading between the lines – looking for or understanding the meaning not directly expressed or openly stated in a message; getting and understanding the message implied beyond what one says or does outwardly having a sticky finger – refers to one who is a thief or one who has the tendency […]
Idioms for the week take one’s breath away – to make someone feel extremely surprised, pleased, or excited armed to the teeth – thoroughly/fully prepared; fully armed with weapons watch one’s step – be on guard; to be cautious; be careful have a sweet tooth – fondness/craving/ strong liking for sweet food make a mountain […]
Idioms for the week behind one’s back – done or said without the knowledge or presence of the one talked about down for the count/out for the count – almost defeated or ruined.; failed in a struggle; having a sound sleep in the nick of time – just in time before it’s too late; occurring […]
Idioms for the week bite off more than you can chew – to undertake a task too difficult to manage or accomplish; to try to do more than what you can do; to promise to do something which you can’t keep bite the bullet – to do something unpleasant, difficult or dangerous because the situation […]
Idioms for the week the green-eyed monster – jealousy; envy to be green with envy – to be very envious; to be very unhappy and resentful of what others have which one doesn’t have a green thumb – skill/ability to grow plants with ease; someone with the ability to grow plants well to give the […]
Idioms for the week to chase rainbows– to pursue goals that are unlikely to happen; to set oneself to achieve unrealistic pursuits; to attempt doing something which is impossible or unrealistic to get in/into shape – to be healthy and strong; to go down in flames – to fail miserably; to be ruined with nil […]
Idioms for the week 1. keep your ear/ an ear to the ground – to be well-informed and updated about happenings 2. give it a whirl/give something a whirl – to try or attempt to do something; to give something a try 3. sit tight – take no action and be patient while waiting 4. […]
Idioms for the week couch potato- a lazy and inactive person; one who spends most of his time in watching television or videos while lying down on a couch/ sofa or sitting on a chair armchair critic – one who criticizes something he has never experienced or undertaken mover and shaker – one who can […]
Idioms for the week eagle eye/ eagle eyes – having the ability to see, watch, or observe keenly; ability to see or notice details early bird – one who wakes up and goes to work early poker face – facial expression that does not show what one feels or thinks of the bees’ knees – […]
Idioms for the week break the ice – make people who don’t know one another feel comfortable; put someone at ease at the start of a conversation or any occasion; to remove or lessen tension at the beginning of a gathering jump on the bandwagon – to follow a trend; to join/support a popular or […]
An idiom is a group of words established by usage to have a meaning of its own not related at all to the individual words used in the expression. Never read idioms in the literal sense; instead, learn them in context to understand their meaning. Take note of the following idioms and their meanings: […]
Choose the appropriate idioms to complete the following sentences: Our local delicacies could_________(to pass or meet a required standard, gain acceptance) in a national food fair. My friend’s artwork _________(to pass or meet a required standard, gain approval) in the annual exhibits sponsored by the museum five years ago. Many student organizations ________ ( to […]
English with Ma’am Fe Choose the appropriate phrasal verbs to complete the following sentences: The link for the couple’s wedding in Hawaii via Zoom has been ________(to become known ) to family members and close friends in the Philippines. The old man in the crowd _______ (to faint) because of hunger and fatigue. My father […]
English with Ma’am Fe Choose the appropriate phrasal verbs to complete the following sentences: The young graduate was asked to ______ (complete a form for needed information) the application form and submit it right away to the human resource officer of the company. You have to _______( make completely full) your gas tank today because […]
English with Ma’am Fe Takenote of the following pointers: S is silent in the following words having the isl combination: isle, islet, island, islander, aisle, Islay (island lying off the west coast of Scotland). However, s is pronounced as s or z in the word Islam(the Muslim religion). Pronounce the consonant s in words having […]
Refresher no. 4 on the correct pronunciation of words: ‘Words ending in mb’ The final letter b in words ending in mb is not pronounced. Only the letter m is sounded. Read the following sentences orally. Give emphasis to words whose root words end in mb. Find out if you can get a perfect score. […]
English with Ma’am Fe The word BUFFET is pronounced according to the meaning of the word. Read the following sentences aloud. Find out if you can pronounce the word correctly. 1.Many tourists prefer to go to BUFFET restaurants which offer all-you-can-eat food for a reasonable price. 2.Many houses BUFFETED by strong winds have become roofless. […]
English with Ma’am Fe Choose the appropriate word to complete each sentence. 1. Have you (choose, chose, chosen) the best brand of milk for your baby? 2. I (choose, chose, chosen) avocado as my dessert yesterday. 3. My friend has (choose, chose, chosen) a foreigner among her suitors. 4. The secretary was (choose, chose, chosen) […]
English with Ma’am Fe ‘Everyday’ and ‘every day’ are not synonymous. Each has a distinct meaning. Choose the appropriate word/phrase to complete each sentence. 1. Are online classes conducted (everyday, every day)? 2. Displaying farm products for sale at the provincial park is not an (everyday, every day) occurrence. 3. Do you teach your child […]
Choose the appropriateword to complete eachsentence. The athletes’ uniformsare neatly (hanged, hung) in thecloset of the gym. The clothes that thelaundry woman (hanged, hung)in the backyard yesterdaymorning were stolen. Before the Covid-19pandemic, many senior citizens(hanged out, hung out) at themall. The owner of the resort(hanged, hung) classic tapestriesdays before the guests’ arrival. We fi nd […]
Both words in thefollowing sentences areused as nouns. Thoughthey diff er in spelling andmeaning, they have the samepronunciation.Choose the appropriateword to complete each sentence. Hung at the counterof the restaurant is thisannouncement: “Credit is goodbut we need (cache, cash).” Do you have enough(cache, cash) to pay for thatexpensive pair of shoes? A group of younghunters […]
Choose the appropriateword to complete eachsentence. Many claim thatchocolate cake is a perfect(complement, compliment) tobrewed coff ee. My friend lovesto wear her jade braceletbecause of the (complements,compliments) she receivesevery time she wears it. Parents should not bestingy with their (complements,compliments) on theirchildren’s achievements. The illustrationscreated by her nephew(complemented, complimented)my friend’s book on her travels. Some […]
English with Ma’am Fe Choose the appropriate word to complete each sentence. Pencils can’t function without (lead, led). The young captain (lead, led) his men to victory. A well-known philanthropist (lead, led) the participants of the country during a cultural event held abroad three years ago. (Lead, Led) is used in pipes, batteries, etc. Who […]
Many still commit errors in the use of some words and expressions commonly used in everyday speech and writing. Such errors are committed not only by students but also by professionals. Test your proficiency in the use of common words and expressions. Write C if the sentence is correct. If wrong, make the necessary correction. […]
English with Ma’am Fe The verb “desert” and the noun “dessert” are homophones. Although they differ in spelling and meaning, they have the same pronunciation. Choose the appropriate word to complete each sentence. Ice cream is a favorite (desert, dessert) of senior citizens. Can a mother afford to (desert, dessert ) her baby? Despite the […]
English with Ma’am Fe Choose the appropriate word to complete each sentence. 1.Senior citizens prefer bananas to ice cream for (desert, dessert). 2.Some travelers have unforgettable experiences in the (desert, dessert). 3.The largest hot (desert, dessert) in the world is the Sahara of northern Africa. 4.What (deserts, desserts) are usually served in your favorite restaurant? […]
English with Ma’am Fe Choose the appropriate word to complete each sentence. 1.My daughter had a good collection of (stationary, stationery) during her elementary school days. 2.I gave my niece two boxes of colored (stationary, stationery) on her birthday. 3.A (stationary, stationery) bike is quite expensive. 4.Almost all the air conditioning units in our office […]
Choose the appropriate word/phrase to complete each sentence. (Full-fledged, full-pledged) professors may apply for the housing loan offered by the university. A law graduate becomes a (full-fledged, full-pledged) lawyer when he passes the bar examinations. Some employees cannot (cope with, cope up with) the demands of their job. Filipino families find means to (cope with, […]
(Either, Neither) the president (or, nor) his secretary will attend the meeting. (One of them will attend the meeting.) (Either, Neither) the president (or, nor) his secretary will attend the meeting. (Both will not attend the meeting.) My grandson does not buy (either, neither) candy (or, nor) ice cream. I can’t swim and my friend […]
Write C if the sentence using the verb ‘discuss’ is correct. Correct the sentence if wrong. Top DOH officials discuss the protocols to be observed in family gatherings. What did you discuss about during the meeting? The physician wants to discuss your recent blood chemistry with your parents. Scientists discussed the side effects of some […]
Choose the appropriate word to complete each sentence. Many Filipino tourists missed the (cites, sights, sites) of Japan because of the pandemic. One’s (cite, sight, site) gets impaired because of faulty reading habits. The moderator was (cited, sighted, sited) for the smooth flow of the symposium. A hospital will be put up on a hilly […]
Choose the appropriate word to complete each sentence. Some of our colleagues suggested a (biannual, biennial) alumni homecoming instead of holding it annually. Employees having health problems find (biannual, biennial) medical checkups more beneficial in monitoring their health condition. Rice production in our country is (biannual, biennial). A ( biannual, biennial) may refer to a […]
Choose the appropriate word to complete each sentence. The owner of the pawnshop (appraised, apprised) the diamond ring of the client at ten thousand pesos. My cousin was able to graduate last semester after his subjects were (appraised, apprised) by the registrar. Teachers (appraise, apprise) parents of their children’s performance in school. Government officials (appraise, […]
Errors are oftentimes committed in the use of words having similarities in spelling or pronunciation but not inmeaning. Choose the correct word to complete each sentence. What is the (affect, effect) of smoking to one’s health? Does a clerk’s attitude towards work (affect, effect ) his performance? The Covid-19 pandemic (affects, effects) our way of […]
AS and LIKE used as prepositions do not express the same meaning. AS expresses the role, function/capacity of a person or thing.Consider the following examples: AS a mother, my friend attends to the basic needs of her children.In this sentence, my friend does a mother’s role. She is the mother. My neighbor earns much AS […]
The following prepositions are used to express time: about, at, in, on. Choose the appropriate preposition to complete each sentence. The faculty meeting will start (about, at about, at, in) nine o’clock. (precise time) The visitors will arrive (at, about, at about, in) three o’clock tomorrow. (approximate time) Please be here (at, on, in) the […]
ENGLISH WITH MA’AM FE Errors are oftentimes committed in the use of words having similarities in spelling or pronunciation, butnot in meaning. Choose the appropriate word to complete each sentence. Children (advice, advise) their parents who are senior citizens to stay at home. Let us listen to the (advice, advise) of good financial managers. We […]
Choose the appropriate word/phrase to complete each sentence. My best friend has a pair of shoes (as, like) mine. I prefer green leafy vegetables (as, as if, like) malunggay. The hungry lad ate the chocolate voraciously (as, as if, like) he had never eaten one like it before. The student delivered his speech ( as, […]
Errors are oftentimes committed in the use of words having similarities in spelling or pronunciation, but not in meaning. Choose the appropriate word to complete each sentence. Children ( advice, advise) their parents who are senior citizens to stay at home. Let us listen to the (advice, advise) of good financial managers. We treasure the […]
Y at the end of a two or three-syllable word takes the long “e”/ short “i” sound as in BABY, EARLY, etc. However, it also takes the long “i” sound as in REPLY, APPLY, BUTTERFLY, etc. Read the following words carefully. Identify the words where Y takes the long “i” sound and also those where […]
ENGLISH WITH MA’AM FE Choose the appropriate word to complete each sentence. The old man hopes to (breath, breathe) his last with a smile. Take a deep (breath, breathe) to calm your nerves. As long as we ( breath, breathe), we should not lose hope. We can (breath breathe) fresh air along the beach. Can […]
ENGLISH WITH MA’AM FE IT’S is the contraction of IT and IS and also of IT and HAS. WHO’S is the contraction of WHO and IS and of WHO and HAS. Choose the equivalent of the contractions IT’S and WHO’S in the following sentences: Who’s (Who is, Who has) been calling you? Who’s (Who is, […]
ENGLISH WITH MA’AM FE HE’S is the contraction of HE and IS and of HE and HAS. SHE’S is the contraction of SHE and IS and also of SHE and HAS. Choose the equivalent of the contractions HE’S and SHE’S in the following sentences. Marjorie Holmes is a famous American writer. She (She has, She […]
Choose the correct verb to complete each sentence. The senior employees or the owner of the food factory (plans, plan) to meet with prospective clients regarding the latest products. Your spouse or your parents (is, are) willing to support your livelihood program for the deaf and mute. Neither you nor I (is, am, are) to […]
ENGLISH WITH MA’AM FE Choose the correct verb to complete each sentence. The senior employees or the owner of the food factory (plans, plan) to meet with prospective clients regarding thelatest products. Your spouse or your parents (is, are) willing to support your livelihood program for the deaf and mute. Neither you nor I (is, […]
Choose the correct verb to complete each sentence. Capiz and Aklan also (contributes, contribute) much to the development and progress of the Island of Panay. A dog and a cat (has, have) become good friends. The founder and president of the orphanage (finds, find) time to be with the orphans on special occasions. My best […]
Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence. Behind the clouds (is, are) a silver lining. In my drawer (hides, hide) a cockroach. Inside the classroom (is, are) ten students working on their project. At the gate of the subdivision (stands stand) a statue. To the market (goes, go) my friend everyday. In the cave […]
ENGLISH WITH MA’AM FE Choose the correct verb to complete each sentence. This (is, are) the sweetest apple I’ve ever tasted. Those (looks, look) fresher than this one. This (seems, seem) to be the most imposing building in our city. Did you hear me say, “Those (was, were) our unforgettable days in college?” Your simple […]
Choose the correct verb to complete each sentence. This (is, are) the sweetest apple I’ve ever tasted. Those (looks, look) fresher than this one. This (seems, seem) to be the most imposing building in our city. Did you hear me say, “Those (was, were) our unforgettable days in college?” Your simple acts of kindness have […]
Dependent clauses used as nouns may function as subjectsof sentences. Noun clauses usually begin with any of the following introductory words: WHO, WHETHER, WHOM, WHATEVER, WHEREVER,WHOEVER, WHY, HOW, WHERE, WHAT, WHOM, etc. Choose the correct verb to complete each sentence. Whatever my friend’s critics say or do (doesn’t, don’t) bother her anymore. Whoever participates in […]
ENGLISH WITH MA’AM FE Choose the correct verb to complete each sentence. To graduate with honors (is, are) the dream of many hardworking students. To work abroad and to establish a stable family life (becomes, become) an obsession to many young graduates. To publish three books a year (seems, seem) impossible even for a prolific […]
ENGLISH WITH MA’AM FE Choose the correct verb to complete each sentence. If my father (is, was, were) alive today, he would be 122 years old now. If I (am, was, were) you, I would not travel without a trusted companion. My friend would not dare go to crowded places if she (is, was, were) […]
ENGLISH WITH MA’AM FE Dependent clauses used as nouns may function as subjectsof sentences. Noun clauses usually begin with any of the following introductory words: WHO, WHETHER, WHOM, WHATEVER, WHEREVER,WHOEVER, WHY, HOW, WHERE, WHAT, WHOM, etc. Choose the correct verb to complete each sentence. Whatever my friend’s critics say or do (doesn’t, don’t) bother her […]
Dependent clauses used as nouns may function as subjects of sentences. Noun clauses usually begin with any of the following introductory words: WHO, WHETHER, WHOM, WHATEVER, WHEREVER, WHOEVER, WHY, HOW, WHERE, WHAT, WHOM, etc. Choose the correct verb to complete each sentence. Whatever my friend’s critics say or do (doesn’t, don’t ) bother her anymore. […]
Choose the correct verb to complete each sentence. One of the vegetable products that (is, are ) in demand today (comes, come) from our country. One of the buildings that (needs, need) immediate repair (is, are) the parochial school. One of the words commonly mispronounced (is, are) “govern.” Luis is one of my students who […]
Refresher No. 22 on subject-verb agreement: Gerunds as subjects of sentences. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence. Writing (has become, have become ) a profitable pastime of senior citizens. Shopping (demands, demand) adequate planning nowadays Holding classes online (is, are) the trend worldwide. Working with a person we trust (makes, make) us perform […]
Refresher no. 21 on subject-verb agreement: ‘Personal pronouns as subjects’ Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence. My father is a teacher. He (teaches, teach) in a private school. Your mother is in her nineties but she (looks, look) much younger. I’d like to know why you (looks, look) tired every day. We (expect, […]
Choose the correct verb to complete each sentence. To graduate with honors (is, are) the dream of many hardworking students. To work abroad and to establish a stable family life (becomes, become) an obsession to many young graduates. To publish three books a year (seems, seem) impossible even for a prolific writer. To sing and […]
Refresher no. 20 on subject-verb agreement:‘Adjectives used as nouns (subject of the sentence)’ Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence. The poor (needs, need) the help of the rich. The good (receives, receive) special graces from God. Sometimes the mighty also (experiences, experience) defeat. The gifted (enjoys, enjoy) many privileges in life. The wicked […]
Refresher no. 16 on subject-verb agreement; on collective nouns. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence. 1. The orchestra (renders, render) a magnificent interpretation of the Visayan song “Ay, Kalisud.” 2. The board (was, were) congratulated for its prompt action on the privileges sought by senior employees of the company. 3. The staff (suggests, […]
Refresher no. 17 on subject-verb agreement; quantities, time, sums or multiples of numbers. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence. 1. Thirty minutes (is, are) enough time for a senior citizen’s daily exercise. 2. (Is, Are) two months enough for a good vacation? 3. Seven pounds (seems, seem) to be an ideal weight for […]
Refresher no. 18 on subject-verb agreement; using ‘pair of’ with nouns that are always plural. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence. 1. The shoemaker’s scissors (has, have) to be sharpened regularly. 2. A pair of scissors of good quality (is, are) what I need now. 3. Stylish shorts on display (has, have) caught […]
Refresher no. 19 on subject-verb agreement: ‘Nouns having the same singular and plural forms’ Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence. 1. How many sheep (is, are) raised in the countryside? 2. The boy cried when his pet sheep (was, were) sold to a butcher. 3. That big fish sold by the vendor (looks, […]
Refresher No. 20 on Subject-Verb Agreement ‘Adjectives Used As Nouns(Subject of the Sentence)’ Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence. 1. The poor (needs, need) the help of the rich. 2. The good (receives, receive) special graces from God. 3. Sometimes the mighty also (experiences, experience) defeat. 4. The gifted (enjoys, enjoy) many privileges […]
Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence. How many sheep (is, are) raised in the countryside? The boy cried when his pet sheep (was, were) sold to a butcher. That big fish sold by the vendor (looks, look) fresh. Fish sold in the market (costs, cost) much nowadays. The Chinese (are, is) known for […]
Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence. The shoemaker’s scissors (has, have) to be sharpened regularly. A pair of scissors of good quality (is, are) what I need now. Stylish shorts on display (has, have) caught the attention of many shoppers. There (goes, go) your last pair of outmoded shoes! Two pairs of sturdy […]
Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence. Thirty minutes (is, are) enough time for a senior citizen’s daily exercise. (Is, Are) two months enough for a good vacation? Seven pounds (seems, seem) to be an ideal weight for the newborn. Nowadays, fifty pesos (is, are) hardly enough for a commuter’s daily fare. Ten years […]
Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence. The orchestra (renders, render) a magnificent interpretation of the Visayan song “Ay, Kalisud.” The board (was, were) congratulated for its prompt action on the privileges sought by senior employees of the company. The staff (suggests, suggest) varied activities for their days off. The jury (has, have) given […]
Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence. Here (comes, come) the bride and the groom. Here in this tomb (lies, lie) the matriarch of the clan. There (is, are) a number of typhoon victims in dire need of financial help. There (goes, go) the light of your life. There (was, were) much fun during […]
Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence. “Of Studies” written by Francis Bacon (was, were) published in the 17th century. “The Three Musketeers” of Alexander Dumas (has, have) not been read by many students of the present generation. The United States also (suffers, suffer) because of the setback brought about by C0VID-19. “Three Coins […]
Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence. It is oftentimes said that “many (is, are) called but few are chosen.” Much (has, have) been said about the dignity of the teaching profession Many (goes, go) to work without eating breakfast. It is pathetic that many (doesn’t, don’t) care about the misfortune of others. Much […]
Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence. The proceeds of the benefit show (was, were) used for the construction of a reading center. The pliers I bought many years ago (is, are) still serviceable. (Is, Are) your scissors sharp or dull? The old man’s pajamas (fits, fit) him well. The goods in my neighbor’s […]
Choose the correct verb to complete the following sentences. Who says that physics (isn’t aren’t) a difficult subject? Statistics (shows, show) that women dominate the teaching profession. Statistics (becomes, become) boring if the teacher is bookish. Measles (has, have) affected children having no protection from the disease. Billiards (has, have) caught the interest of school […]
Choose the correct verb to complete each sentence. 1. The patients, not the doctor, (is, are) the root cause of the mess in the clinic. 2. Not the manager but his employees (was, were) reprimanded by the president of the corporation. 3. Not the politicians but the school administration (deserves, deserve) full credit for the […]
Choose the correct verb to complete each sentence. 1. The biggest attraction during the fair (was, were) the acrobats. 2. The funny part of the movie (was, were) the kissing scenes. 3. The dances (was, were) the most applauded part of the program. 4. The distinctive feature of the latest cabinet model (is, are) its […]
Make connected statements out of the following pairs of simple sentences. Fill in the blanks to complete the compound sentences. 1. Panay is a progressive town of Capiz. Pontevedra is a progressive town of Capiz, too. Panay is a progressive town of Capiz, and Pontevedra ____________. Panay is a progressive town of Capiz, and ____ […]
Choose the correct verb to complete each sentence. 1. Many a story (has been, have been) written about the deeds of unsung heroes. 2. Every son and daughter (needs, need) parental attention. 3. Everyone in the community (has, have) to observe the health protocol as regards the COVID-19 pandemic. 4. Every student, teacher, school official, […]
Choose the correct verb to complete each sentence. 1. The boss, together with his subordinates, (goes, go) to work on time. 2. The father, with his children, (plans, plan) to take a break abroad after the Covid-19 pandemic. 3. The treasurer, as well as the board members of the organization, (was, were) commended for efficient […]
As requested by friends and students, for this issue, we will have this refresher on subject-verb agreement. Foremost, a verb must agree with its subject in person and number. Our failure to observe this basic rule leads to many errors in speech and writing. Choose the correct verb in parentheses. 1. Rice and fish (is, […]
Complete each sentence by choosing the correct preposition in the parentheses. 1. The customer got angry (with, on) the storekeeper for ignoring his presence. 2. Why are some children angry (with, on) their parents when they don’t get what they want? 3. Many daily wage earners are angry (with, about) the poor living conditions brought […]
In the sentences below, choose the correct form of the verb in the parentheses. 1. We wish our loved ones (are, were) around during this COVID-19 pandemic. 2. Where do you (live, lived)? 3. The teacher demands that the student (tells, tell) the truth about what happened. 4. If the president (was, were) coming, he […]
Choose the correct form of the verb in parentheses. 1. I wish the cure for COVID-19 (was, were) available here in Capiz. 2. If my mother (was, were) alive today, she would be a hundred years old now. 3. The nursing attendant acts as if she (was, were) the head nurse of the unit. 4. […]
Confusion also occurs in the usage of “lose” and “loose.” Although both words have the same vowel sound as that of “too’’ and “who,” their final consonant sounds differ. “Lose” has the Z sound while “loose” has that of S. LOSE is always used as a verb. It means “ to fail to keep, maintain […]
The following exercises call for the correct form of the principal verb. Supply the correct form of the verb in parentheses. 1. My favorite singer has never (undergo) a formal voice lesson. 2. With the COVID-19 pandemic, the world is (undergo) crises of varying degrees. 3. Have you (hang) your clothes in the closet? 4. […]
Did you know that there is a big difference between ‘maybe’ and ‘may be’? The single word “maybe” is an adverb. It is synonymous with “perhaps” and “possibly.” For example: MAYBE the doctor is right that your health is dependent on your lifestyle. On the other hand, “may be”, written as two words, is a […]
Which of the following sentences are correct? Identify and correct the errors in the use of verbs in the past tense. (Unfortunately, many speakers and writers still commit these mistakes.) The employer scolded the erring worker yesterday. The employer did not gave the worker the chance to explain his side. He did not listened to […]
As observed, a number of common words and expressions are still misused in speech and writing. Choose the appropriate words in the following sentences: Nowadays, parents listen to the (advice, advices) of their children. 2. How many (personnel, personnels) does the Department of Health have? 3. The government disseminates relevant (information, informations) on steps undertaken […]
As observed, the past and past participle forms of commonly used irregular verbs pose a major problem in oral and written communication. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb given at the beginning of every sentence. BREAK The strong wind has _________ the window panes. Who _________ the flower vase last […]
Change these affirmative sentences into negative sentences. Take note that the verbs used are all in the past tense. Farmers harvested their crops on time for the fiesta. My younger brother broke my new lampshade. Monica prepared a sumptuous dinner for her sister’s birthday. I sent an early Christmas gift to my sick neighbor. The […]